Privacy Policy

Ipswich Hospital Foundation Privacy Policy on behalf of Moggill Mt Crosby Lions

Protecting Your Privacy

Ipswich Hospital Foundation (on behalf of Moggill Mt Crosby Lions) is committed to providing you the highest levels of service. Protecting your privacy is important to us. The Ipswich Hospital Foundation is a Queensland state statutory body and as such must comply with the Information Privacy Principles (IPPs) contained in Information Privacy Act 2009. The Foundation is also subject to the Right of Information Act 2009 and the National Privacy Policies 1 and 5.

What we collect:

The Ipswich Hospital Foundation collects, stores and uses:

  1. Employee personal records

The purpose of these records is to maintain recruitment and employment history, and payroll and administrative information relating to all permanent, contract and temporary staff members and employees of the Ipswich Hospital Foundation. Content may include all matters relating to individual employment, including medical records, disciplinary and/or grievance documentation.

The following staff members have access to this information: Executive Officer; Office Assistant.

Records are retained according to the applicable provisions of the General Disposal and Retention Schedule for Administrative Records prepared by Queensland State Archives.

Individuals may seek access to their records by the Ipswich Hospital Foundation’s Freedom of Information Officer who is the Executive Officer, Phone 1300736428,email: .

The records held relate to a file established for each employee and are kept on paper and electronic media. These records are held at 3/1 Bell Street in the office of the Ipswich Hospital Foundation.


  1. Parking customers’ records

The purpose of these records is to provide pre-paid services of the Ipswich Hospital Foundation at the Ipswich Hospital and Ipswich Health Plaza. Customers register their contact details, including vehicle registration numbers for the license plate recognition capturing.

The following staff members have access to this information: Executive Officer; Office Assistant.. Credit card details are also entered but are only visible to the secured payment gateway service.

Individuals may seek access to their records by the Ipswich Hospital Foundation’s Freedom of Information Officer who is the Executive Officer.

Records are retained according to the applicable provisions of the General Disposal and Retention Schedule for Administrative Records prepared by Queensland State Archives.

Individuals may seek access to their records by the Ipswich Hospital Foundation’s Freedom of Information Officer who is the Executive Officer, Phone 1300736428,email: .

The records held relate to a file established for each employee and are kept on paper and electronic media. These records are held at 3/1 Bell Street in the office of the Ipswich Hospital Foundation.


  1. Personal information about vendors

The purpose of these records is to allow normal business processed to take place e.g. name, address for payment, contact information, bank account details to allow for electronic payment of accounts, and Australian Business Number.

The following staff members have access to this information: Executive Officer; Office Assistant. In addition, the Foundation’s accountant and auditor have access.

Records are retained according to the applicable provisions of the General Disposal and Retention Schedule for Administrative Records prepared by Queensland State Archives.

Individuals may seek access to their records by the Ipswich Hospital Foundation’s Freedom of Information Officer who is the Executive Officer, Phone 1300736428,email: .

The records held relate to a file established for each employee and are kept on paper and electronic media. These records are held at 3/1 Bell Street in the office of the Ipswich Hospital Foundation.


  1. Personal information about event registrants

The purpose of these records is to enable enrolment of individuals in events and conferences.  Personal contact information is available to the Foundation project team but other information and event photographs are available to the public as registrants must sign a waiver indicating acceptance of this prior to registration.  Credit card details are also given but is only visible to the secure payment gateway service.


  1. Personal information about supporters, volunteers, donors

The purpose of these records is to enable the Ipswich Hospital Foundation to raise donations, sponsorships, and support. Content may include contact information, support given, research from public documents and contacts made.

The following staff members have access to this information: Executive Officer and Members of the Project and Office Team.

Public acknowledgement of gifts and donations received by the Foundation is given unless the donator wishes to maintain anonymity.

Records are retained according to the applicable provisions of the General Disposal and Retention Schedule for Administrative Records prepared by Queensland State Archives.

Individuals may seek access to their records by the Ipswich Hospital Foundation’s Freedom of Information Officer who is the Executive Officer, Phone 1300736428,email: .

The records held relate to a file established for each employee and are kept on paper and electronic media. These records are held at 3/1 Bell Street in the office of the Ipswich Hospital Foundation.


  1. Personal information about grantees

The purpose of these records is to allow the Foundation to distribute funds for health projects as by the objectives outlined in the Hospital Foundations Act 1982. Content may include contact information, amount of funds requested, total budget of project, proposal application, references from referees, correspondence, disposition of request.

The following staff members have access to this information: Executive Officer; Office Assistant. In addition, the Board Members of the Grants Committee have access. Copies of applications may also be given to referees, members of the Health District Ethics Committee, and/or to members of the Health District’s Executive for comment.

Records are retained according to the applicable provisions of the General Disposal and Retention Schedule for Administrative Records prepared by Queensland State Archives.

Individuals may seek access to their records by the Ipswich Hospital Foundation’s Freedom of Information Officer who is the Executive Officer, Phone 1300736428,email: .

The records held relate to a file established for each employee and are kept on paper and electronic media. These records are held at 3/1 Bell Street in the office of the Ipswich Hospital Foundation.


  1. Personal information of members of the Foundation’s Board of Directors

The purpose of these records is to allow the Foundation to meet the governing requirements of the Hospital’s Foundation Act. Content may include contact information, correspondence from the Minister of Health and Director General of the Health Department, and other personal information needed for the Foundation to hold bank accounts, investments, and trade accounts.

The following staff members have access to this information: Executive Officer.

Records are retained according to the applicable provisions of the General Disposal and Retention Schedule for Administrative Records prepared by Queensland State Archives.

Individuals may seek access to their records by the Ipswich Hospital Foundation’s Freedom of Information Officer who is the Executive Officer, Phone 1300736428, email: .

The records held relate to a file established for each employee and are kept on paper and electronic media. These records are held at 3/1 Bell Street in the office of the Ipswich Hospital Foundation.


Who we may communicate with

For the purpose outlined above we may disclose your personal information to organisations outside the Ipswich Hospital Foundation. These organisations to which information is disclosed include:

  • Payroll departments for parking by payroll deduction schemes;
  • Your representatives (e.g. Your authorised representatives or legal advisors) only upon your written authorisation;
  • Our professional advisors, including our accountants, auditors and lawyers;
  • Government and regulatory authorities and other organisations, as required or authorised by law;
  • Public acknowledgement of gifts and donations received by the Foundation directly or through its Trust Fund unless the donator requests anonymity.

Forms and guidelines used by the Ipswich Hospital Foundation that solicit personal information will specify the purpose for which the information is being collected; and to whom the information will be shared. (IPP 2 notice)

The Ipswich Hospital Foundation does not have any existing contracts, licenses and outsourcing arrangements that utilise personal information held by the Foundation. Future contracts, licenses and outsourcing arrangements that utilise personal information of the Ipswich Hospital Foundation, if any, will contain the necessary provisions in order to comply with the IPPs.


Personal Information Quality

The goal of the Ipswich Hospital Foundation is to ensure that the personal information it holds is accurate, complete and up-to-date. Please contact the Ipswich Hospital Foundation if any of the details provided have changed. Please also contact the Foundation if you believe the information we have about you is not accurate, complete or up-to-date.


Procedure to Gain Access to Personal Information

Individuals may seek access to their records by the Ipswich Hospital Foundation’s Freedom of Information Officer who is the Executive Officer, Phone 1300736428,email: .

The records held relate to a file established for each employee and are kept on paper and electronic media. These records are held at 3/1 Bell Street in the office of the Ipswich Hospital Foundation.


Review Procedure

If an individual believes that their personal information has not been dealt with in accordance with an IPP they may make a complaint to the Foundation seeking an internal review. A request for an internal review must be made in writing and must be made within six months from the date when the breach was suspected to have occurred. Requests should be forwarded to the Executive Officer of the Ipswich Hospital Foundation, 1300736428 or

Requests for review will be acknowledged in writing within 14 days from the date on which the application was received, and the Foundation will process the request within 60 days from the date on which the application was received. Applicants will be advised in writing of the Foundation’s decision.

If an applicant does not agree with the Foundation’s decision they may request an internal review. The Chief Executive of the Foundation will arrange for an internal review to be carried out by an officer who has not previously been involved in the matter. This will be done within 45 days. The Chief Executive will provide a response in writing to the applicant.


Personal Information Security

The Ipswich Hospital Foundation is committed to keeping secure the personal information you provide to us. The Foundation takes all reasonable precautions to protect the personal information it holds from misuse, loss, modification, disclosure, or from unauthorised access.


Contact us about Privacy Practices

If you have any questions or would like further information about the Ipswich Hospital Foundation’s privacy and information handling practices, please contact:


Executive Officer

Ipswich Hospital Foundation

PO Box 878

Ipswich, Qld  4305

Phone: 1300736428

Fax: (07) 3812 7500


Attachment 1 – Privacy and Security Statement for the Ipswich Hospital Foundation Website

The Ipswich Hospital Foundation is committed to protecting your privacy. We understand and appreciate that visitors and users of the Foundation’s website are concerned about their privacy and the confidentiality and security of any information provided to us.

This site does not use cookies. When you look at this website, our Internet Service Provider makes a record of your visit and logs the following information for statistical purposes only – the user’s server address, the user’s top level domain name (for example .com, .gov, .au, etc.), the date and time of visit to the site, the pages accessed and documents downloaded, the previous site visited, and the type of browser used. No attempt is or will be made to identify users or their browsing activities except, in the unlikely event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect activity logs.

Your name and address details will not be added to a contact mailing list unless you have given us permission to do this. We will not disclose any contact details to third parties without your consent, unless required by law. Our Internet Service Provider for system trouble shooting and maintenance purposes may monitor email messages.

Right of access and correction is limited to existing rights under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 1992. If one wishes to obtain access to records under the Freedom of Information Act 1992 they should apply to the FOI Officer for the Foundation who is the Executive Officer at 1300736428.

If you have any queries about our privacy and security practices, please contact the Ipswich Hospital Foundation’s Executive Officer at 1300736428.